Thursday, September 24, 2020

Politics Around Ending the Filibuster

    The argument against ending the filibuster is that Democrats will not always be the majority and would then want to use the filibuster themselves. This is not the way to think about it, I will explain. It is all about ownership and accountability. Republicans know most of their policy proposals are unpopular and, if they were ever to enact them, then the truth of their unpopularity would be unmasked. So they rely upon the excuse that Democrats provide them “Well we tried to do this unpopular thing that is popular with our base voters, but the Democrats filibustered.” This allows them to campaign on things and then run away from them. To not own their own policies. To not being held to account and maybe being forced to adapt their policies and change them under electoral scrutiny. Allowing the Democrats to filibuster provides cover to the Republicans for not enacting their unpopular agenda items.
    Democrats do not have this problem. Most of their policies are popular it is just that they are prevented from enacting them by the Republicans #TyrannyOfTheMinority. For this reason they can be labeled #FecklessForks, no one can see their agenda. Democrats would want to own their agenda and be held accountable. The filibuster prevents this. So getting rid of the filibuster would increase accountability for both parties. It would be easier to see who is doing what. Yes, it may mean that sometimes a Republican majority would be able to pass things in the Senate because their ability to obstruct would be gone. But this is part of the passive resistance governing philosophy of any minority party. Make the majority own what you believe are bad policies, trust the argument that they are bad policies. Let people see what is being done by those who are in power. This is particularly effective in a two party system like our own. So end the #TyrannyOfTheMinority by ending the filibuster, stop being #FecklessForks, and make the Republicans own when they are putting #PartyBeforeCountry.

A Conversation Between Political Generations

    I would like to share a conversation I had through email with a student of mine. It encapsulates much of how I am processing current events and I hope it provides some comfort, or at least hope to those I can reach. 


    It feels like yesterday when we were discussing in POLS301 how abortion was a hot topic word used during Republican campaigns, but that Roe v. Wade would likely never be overturned. With the republican majority senate prepared to fill her seat (despite blatant hypocrisy & RBGs dying wish), our SC would be 6/9 minority majority. I am fearful now more than ever about what will happen to the rights of women, LGBTQ+ community, POC, as well as religious freedoms (threatened for all non-Christians). I am scared of so much of what I am seeing because that is the cost of looking for the truth: being uncomfortable. I am overwhelmed with the amount of danger I see on America’s horizon. I see that we have not, & do not live up to the “worlds moral authority” label that we put on ourselves. I feel like I am living through a pre-revolutionary war. I see the changes that NEED to be made & I understand how what is better for the common interest is often not what is best for the self interest of the few that hoard power & wealth. So I understand why the push back on The People & our Will is so great. But as a single human, it makes me feel powerless & cynical. How are the people with power & ability to do what is right, choose not to? I know this is a lot to hit you with out of nowhere. But I was wondering if you have any tips on how to cope with the anxiety that comes with paying attention? It is definitely easier to be oblivious. But the truth is worth seeking. This year I have often let my passion get the best of me & burn me out. I thought you might have some good tips.

My Response,

    I deeply empathize with you. If you have noticed I have been posting less if at all on Twitter, then you can see why I know what you are feeling. I also have difficulty dealing with the anxiety associated with the broken nature of American politics right now. I have tried to share in both my initial lecture and subsequent announcements how difficult times are right now for Political Scientists. Take a look at my blog if you have not. There is no easy way of comforting you. I will say this is the burden placed on those who are educated and concerned, which you obviously are. I have been waling my student through these issues for decades now and I used to predict this exact moment for them in order to help head it off. Politics began to go off the rails with the Republican Revolution of 1994. The nastiness can be laid at the feet of Republicans and Newt Gingrich. I failed. I did not do enough. I too am anxious and depressed. Maybe we should both embrace the coming storm as an opportunity. These are the tipping points in history and we can tip them in our favor. This may lead to a Civil War at the worst and structural reform at the very least. I for one would be happy being part of an independent California.

    The thing that keeps me going is of course students like you. When I was prognosticating for the last couple of decades I would get some pushback from my students because American generally have a short attention span when it comes to politics. I got some of that this semester as you can read in the comments section of the First Lecture. I also got some parents of students going directly to my Deans and Vice Presidents and even directly to the President of Folsom Lake College. They expressed concern about my approach to these issues through tough love. They complained and threatened to go to the media because I was not going to go easy and play the game of bothsidism. We can only get through this if we are willing to be honest to a fault as I attempt to be in the course. I responded with a post on my blog. Now the problems that existed in the long-term a long time ago are the current problems that have us both anxious and depressed.

    However, now the problems that existed in the future are here and I see the students in my courses and really all young Americans as problem-solvers. They are rising to the challenges facing our country and I will tell you I am hopeful that they will be the next Greatest Generation. This is partly because of circumstance because we can no longer kick these problems into the future. It is also the result of agency as young American are rising to the challenge and engaging on these issues. They will save us. YOU will save us. What the world and America looks like in the future is in good hands. The only problem is the obstacle of today's old farts (I am getting up in the years but my students keep me young). The current leadership is plagued by hypocrisy and power-seeking Republicans (#PartyBeforeCountry, #PartyBeforeLives, and #PartyBeforePlanet) and feckless and scared Democrats (#FecklessForks and #TrueDivide). I hope the United States of America and the Earth can hold on while these older folks die off. I say that with a relatives still alive that are older than myself. I am fifty-two.

    There is change afoot. More young American are running for office, more are protesting and willing to lay it all on the line to effect change. Again they and you really have no choice. But you and yours give me hope we can navigate these treacherous times.