Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hearing is Wonderful

So I have, for three weeks been wrestling with a loss of hearing. Most people when asked to choose to give up hearing or sight, would choose hearing. Sight allows us to maintain more of our independence. I would still choose to lose my hearing...but now I would hesitate more. Not being able to hear was extremely isolating and, while I usually feel more alone than most, I felt extremely cut off from the rest of the people in my life. I have since had my hearing restored and I cannot express how great it is to hear my boys, my wife, my students, and my music. I would love to hear all of your voices too.... if only Facebook had some audio capabilities. Still give me call and say Hi I would love to hear your voice whoever you are. IT is like my ears have been born again. Two band that you must hear are Jack's Mannequin and the Postal Service.